To the Freedom Through the Fire: Ukraine Versus Rashism

Yakubova_Do svobody
Sales price $13.80
ISBN 978-617-7755-81-3

Since 2014, the Ukrainian people have courageously resisted the Russian armed forces aggression (from February 24, 2022 — in conditions of full-scale war).
At the moment, the civilizational war of the worlds is unfolding. Ukraine has faced a historical mission to end the existence of a half-thousand-year-old empire of lies and to prevent its revival in new forms.
Nowadays, it is important for Ukrainians and the rest of the world to understand what Putin’s Russia is, what the Russian «people» are, what processes are at the heart of modern events and whether their deconstruction and disposal are possible.
In  this  book,  the  author  investigates  and  analyzes  the  origin  and  evolution  of  the «Russian world», in particular: how Russia failed the task of post-totalitarianism transit and, instead of healing the wounds of Communist-Bolshevism, turned into the newbornt totalitarian system; what are the foundations of the revival of the Russian imperialism and what components it consists of; how the revival of the empire became the new-old national idea of Russia; how a political technology of the «Russian world» became the foundation of rashism; why the genocide of Ukrainians acquired the latest historical forms; why collective Putin considers Ukraine as an ontological front between Europe and Eurasia; are there any fuses left for mass build-up of the militaristic psychosis of the Russians; and after all, how to overcome ontological evil and securely close for good the gate of the abyss.

Hardcover, 432 pages

Year of Publication
Subject of Publication
Contemporary history


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